Launch of Ignite with Jean Evans

Ignite Launch!

Welcome to the newest, freshest networking kid on the block! 👀

Welcome to the newest, freshest networking kid on the block! ☝🏻👀

This is Jean EvansNetworking Architect - launching her brand new business referral network, Ignite Business Network today. Jean is a lot of things but I like to think of her as the big ‘networking nerd’!!

She is so passionate and driven in her vision to bring human connection to the fore of networking…

and… is a really nice person to boot!

Did you know that time spent networking is time spent doing high-value marketing? Only more enjoyable 😉

I’ve loved working on Jean’s brand and seeing it flesh out over the past year. If you would like to see if Ignite could be a good fit for you, contact Jean. It is a one-seat policy, so don’t wait too long!

Very best wishes, Jean 🙌


The hidden cost of remote working


You have one wild and precious life (and one personal brand!)